As hard as this might be, try to imagine the following:

Waking up to $500 generated overnight while you were snoring in bed.

Getting a text message on your lunch break to BUY,

taking the trade and making an extra $100 dollars before you even finish your sandwich.

How about replacing your income while working a FRACTION of the time.


Look at it another way. Forex is legal in almost every country.

It's a 7 TRILLION dollar a day industry.

There are "normal" people who make 10's and even 100's of thousands a day (I recently watched someone profit 400,000 in a single trade LIVE on Youtube) trading from their PHONE!

Is it too much to imagine making a fraction of that?

Or even to invest in technology that can do that for you....

Welcome to BLK GLD TRADING! does it work?


Our Technology

Backed by over 5 years experience, our technology suite fits all trading styles and goals. Want to trade the big moves that happen a few times a month? You got it. Want to trade intraday? Not a problem. Our tech boasts an un heard of win rate and a risk to reward that simply WORKS. Learn more below.

Our Membership

Generate includes our Technology AND give you a world class mentorship experience. Come trade with us live daily. Talk strategy. Get insider information about what the market is doing. GENERATE income at this level. Generate is also a requirement if you want any further levels that are "member only".

Our Automations

Once you begin generating income we want to automate and get as passive as we can. Let's face it, we are all BUSY. Automate puts trading on auto pilot with our PAMM account, our System Automation Software and our "war bots".

Want to leverage a 7 Trillion dollar a day industry?

Trading has the ability to provide you instant access to profit. That doesn't mean "get rich quick", but means you have the opportunity to profit with the right skills. Trade anywhere, at anytime.

We win as a team!!!

Our pride and joy is helping regular members like Nick and Kent see success trading using our technology and mentorship.

We believe that our strength comes from our members and their ability to win daily.

You will find Blk Gld Trading to be one of the most helpful and inviting families online in the trading space.

What are members are saying.

It's been a relief finding Blk Gld Trading.

It's been a relief finding Blk Gld Trading with the internet full of scams and rugs. Jordan and the team have built a super easy trading system that anyone new to trading can follow. With the automated bot trading and regular live calls for training and Q&A, Blk Gld is a no-brainer

I have been a member of BLK GLD since it's inception

I have been a member of Blk Gld since it's inception and it's been a really exciting ride to be on. The trading strategies are top notch and I can't wait to see the success stories thta are going to be told over the next year and beyond. New or experienced, the strategies taught could change your life. If you are new to trading, i am so jealous that you managed to find this group at the start of your journey because you have skipped to the front of the line. Congrats!

BLK GLD Trading is a great community of like minded investors.

Blk Gld Trading is a great community of like minded investors. The indicators take the guesswork out of trying to understand what the market is going to do. The win/lose ratio of the system makes you confident to place trades knowing that you'll win more than you lose if you stay consistent. More than the trading opportunities though I'm thankful for the leadership team that wants to see people financially free.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much time does it take to do this?

Depends on what path you take. If you are manually trading you will most likely invest around 5 hours a week. We don't trade constantly, rather, we wait for the right trades and get a notification when it's time to pull the trigger. If you are going with Automate or Dominate, there's virtually no time involvement outside of getting an account set up.

What if i'm brand new?

That's fine!!!! Just understand there is going to be a little bit of a learning curve if you are unfamiliar with the industry. We can certainly help with that. Newbies typically start with the membership level to get the support they will need.

Is this risky?

There's an element of risk with any investment. If you are manually trading YOU can decide how much risk you are comfortable with. This is very easy to manage so you never lose more than what you're ok losing. With the Bot and PAMM accounts we use stop losses and equity protectors to be as safe as possible.

What kind of a win rate do your members see?

It obviously depends on the member but those that are applying the indicators and strategies are seeing close to a 70% win rate. We only need 48% of our trades won to be highly profitable. Our risk to reward is designed to allow us a margin of error while still being hyper profitable.

Is the Bot and P.A.M.M 100% passive?

Technically yes. When we say 100% passive it means that we manage the entire bot or pamm. Our staff monitors them 24/7 and makes any adjustments needed. Your responsibility would be to setup an account with a broker (we can recommend some) and then fund the account. Beyond that it's all on us and you just withdrawal when you want to. You do NOT need to know how to trade, look at charts or anything else.

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